Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Are you rescue ready?



Beagles are not always the easiest breed; whilst they are certainly adorable, loyal, affectionate and entertaining, beagles need a lot of stimulation, exercise and companionship. If you are thinking about getting a dog of any breed, from a breeder or a rescue centre, it is imperative that you know what you are taking on. Where beagles are concerned being forewarned is forearmed, you will need to learn about counter surfing, stealing socks or your dinner, running away after a scent and general wilful behaviour. 

That said, you will also learn about a fun and exciting breed that can give back the love it receives tenfold.
Before rehoming, think carefully about the size, sex and age of your preferred dog and what would fit into your lifestyle. If you have a dog already you need to ask yourself whether your existing dog would welcome a friend into his home, and if so, what sort of dog will he like. Is he going to want a puppy jumping all over him or would he prefer a more relaxed, older dog?
Beagles are hardy but sensitive and rehoming is a time of massive upheaval for them. They need time to realise that they are now in a safe and loving environment. before you take home any new friend it is vital that you are fully committed to giving him the best life he can have.
Don’t rehome a dog on a whim. Make sure you are prepared for all eventualities and give him the time and devotion he so deserves.

Cooper who was a resident at BW centre for 18 months and BOTM a few times. He found his forever home,

Taking your Beagle Home

Do you remember when you got your first beagle? You thought you’d done your homework? Knew what you were letting yourself in for? And then you got home. And THAT is when reality kicked in, when you were on your own with this adorable new member of the family that escaped, stole food, howled, chewed, rolled in and ate poo (not only his own) and resolutely refused to hear a word you said to him.
How much of a shock was all that? How much would you have liked to have seen all this in action before you took your beagle home? No, you wouldn’t have changed your mind. But you might have been better prepared!
But now, this is exactly what is in store for new adopting owners of Welfare beagles. Thanks to Cooper Beagle, Clare Clark, Emily Turnbull, Suzanne Carr and her wonderful production team, Beagle Welfare now has its own DVD, Taking Your Beagle Home, to be shown to every new owner as part of the adoption process. Not only does it show exactly what life is like with a beagle, it is also full of helpful tips and practical advice. But be prepared to be amused as well as educated: the scenes where Cooper steals a ham sandwich from the worktop and Harvey climbs over the gate are laugh-out-loud moments that all beagle owners will recognise! Well done to everyone involved, and to Sue Ding whose marathon fundraising effort enabled Beagle Welfare to establish a specific budget for this and other educational projects.
Education is an important part of Welfare’s work – the more we can inform people about what it means to own and understand a beagle, the fewer beagles will be given up for adoption in the future.
• To view Taking Your Beagle Home click on the link below. And please do let us know what you think of it

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