Saturday, 31 October 2015

Autumn at the rehoming centre


Well! It seems winter is creeping its way in slowly at the Beagle Welfare  rehoming centre, Cold is in the air the rain is here and that means lots of mud, and that means muddy beagles lol, this also means more washing of bedding and dirty towels.
Since my last blog lots of beagles have come and gone, I am lucky enough to see some of the beagles re-homed on the beagle walks I do locally to me and I will do an update on some of them when I can :)

So what is it like working at the rehoming centre when the weather changes? Well, we still enjoy it but without the warm sun and with mud and wet beagles, it is blooming hard work lol. The paddock gets wet and muddy and as we all know beagles love to get mucky rolling in it and digging.

I still take photos of all the beagles so I shall share some with you now.

The beagles enjoying a sunny autumn day

Little muddy faces

Little Bagel seems a tad mucky

Barrett under the tree

Little louie

Henry and Luna

mucky pups

I shall sign off for now but will continue with updates from the rehoming centre soon.

Please take a look at the rehoming list if you wish to adopt a beagle.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Little Daisy 🌼


Daisy has come a long way since she was first rescued.

This is Daisy. She’s 5 months old and weighs less than a healthy puppy, half her age. She’s a pitiful sight and that’s because she’s the ‘Face of Puppy Farming’ in the UK today. Unsold, possibly because of health issues, her further neglect resulted in malnutrition, skin issues and mobility problems. Daisy’s plight will probably make you sad and angry, not just for Daisy but for all the millions of puppies ‘produced’ in puppy farms and puppy mills every year. 

The awful truth is that over 40% of all puppies sold in the UK are bought by people who didn’t see the puppy with the mother, or bother to check out the environment in which the puppy was raised. They might have bought from a Pet Shop, from a dealer, from a home ‘that didn’t quite seem right’ or out of the back of a van at a Motorway Service. 
It’s really very simple - if you can’t see a puppy with its mother, it’s a PUPPY FARM PUPPY. 
If you buy a puppy this way, you’re not ‘saving it’ you’re not ‘rescuing it’. You’re just adding to the problem – it’s called supply and demand. As long as people buy these puppies, puppy farmers and back yard breeders with continue to breed and deal in misery.
Daisy’s a sad little dog but at least she’s got some chance of a life, unlike her poor wretched mother who will spend her short, miserable lifetime in a dark, stinking, squalid ‘cell’. And spare a thought for the many other unsold, surplus puppies, maybe Daisy's brothers and sisters; what’s the very worst thing you can imagine might happen to them? – Yes, you’re probably right……..
This isn’t just an appeal to people to condemn puppy farmers, this an appeal to decent, kind people to PLEASE stop buying puppies from Puppy Farmers.
Ignorance is not an excuse – this is the 21st century, with information overload - there is no excuse for ignorance. 
Please share this post, for the sake of all the ‘Daisys’ that didn’t get out alive.
For more information on puppy farming (and be warned this is upsetting) please look at this site -

Daisy is doing well and still having tests at the vets to find out about her health etc..

She's currently in foster care and doing well.

She loves running in the paddock she's very wobbly but has fun :) 

She loves playing with toys and other dogs.
Please take a look at our website if you wish to adopt a Beagle.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Rehoming Beagles and Raising Money


Well, it has been a busy few weeks at the rehoming centre, lots of Beagles have come in and lots have been Re-homed.

Here are just a few that have been and gone the last few weeks.

Lots more Beagles found new homes as well this is just a selection.

As well as being busy at the rehoming centre fellow Beagle Welfare reps Kenny Watt Claire Buckels Neil Bancroft  Jeanine Wilkinson and Clare Clark took on the challenge of the West highland way in Scotland.

It was tough going for all and all came home with aching bones and blisters but they have raised so far £4'546.00 and you can still donate and follow their journey here....

This is Blister the Beagle who was the teams mascot on the journey and he will now hopefully join other supporters for Beagle Welfare on fundraising quests..

If you are looking to add a Beagle to your family please look at the Beagle Welfare website and check out the Rehoming list :)

Just some photos of Beagles looking for homes right now.